Week Three: Physics

Blog assignments for this week:
* What evidence can you find for synchronicity

Best answer I've found so far for this question (and I agree with) comes from Roger Paul Neyman of the Wilmette Institute:

"By the nature of the phenomenon, any evidence for synchronicity must be anecdotal and subjective. This is because you cannot set up an experimental context for meaningfulness and an acausal connectedness. Thus, I suspect that synchronicity will always remain beyond the outskirts of natural science."

* Based on what you know, how would you explain connectivity?

I think connectivity has to do with resonant frequencies.  I can't give a ton of explanation beyond that, but 5 element theory is based on a similar assumption.  An example: I'm a student in a Physics class.  The teacher posts an assignment to explain connectivity.  I am now thinking about this assignment, which the teacher has already thought about and we may assume continue to think about.  There are several other students in the Physics class.  They will also think about this assignment.  When we are back in class, although we have not seen each other in this context for over a week, we have remained connected to each other through our thoughts concerning this assignment, which will nonetheless inform the meaning and manifestation of the class now.  If there's a frequency created by the thinking concerning the connectivity assignment, then its something scientifically undetectable.  But if there were a frequency, it would be possible to resonate with other similar frequencies.  

* Post a response to a classmate's blog entry

To NurseBlackDeer:

Thanks so much for bringing in your Native American perspective on these topics, I really appreciate it.  Mitakuye Oyasin  


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