Week 5 Physics

You know how you can get sucked into a virtual time-warp, just one more click, one more click...?

Yeah, I had to pull myself out of one of those in my attempt to understand kaons better, super symmetry, and an answer to whether I believe the universe is fundamentally symmetrical or not.  Short answer is 'no comment' at the moment.

The best of my findings so far on the monumental subject matter is:

1. This intro - explains hadrons really well (inc. kaons and strangeness)  highly recommend viewing first.

2. Next, this video about kaons and, so far, their inability to violate CPT.

3. Then this clarifying video about CP Violation...and...

4. This 20ish minute documentary about the CERN Large Hadron Collider - explains the tech as well as why researching SUSY is relevant and necessary.


[what does CP violation really mean? C=charge conjugation (the system reflected in the mirror) P=parity change (left goes to right) T=time  (time is run backward).  Kaons defy two of these but not all three.  If they (or any other particle) did, our current conceptual framework of physics would shatter, revolutionize, and need to be redefined.  This is one of the possible outcomes of the CERN experiments.]


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