Week 11: Physics

My E-Prime Day

Standard English - "I think therefore I am"

E-Prime - "I think therefore I think (I think...I think...I think...I think...I think...I think...I think...)

[Now you know how to handle a robot assassin]

RA Wilson's web page here
I agree with some of the well-made points about e-prime here, but especially here

Some additional thoughts:
I think consciousness uses a shorthand with language.  There's no way to say everything so it doesn't.  Standard English is an adequate shorthand, as is "to be".  Critical thinking should be encouraged of course, and e-prime seems like a genuine tool for that endeavor, but examining our metaphorical constructs of reality isn't the most advantageous endeavor when we're in the moment, just trying to relate with each other.  I'd say, actually, to give up the shorthand in favor of a language that requires the user to constantly stand outside of himself or herself takes that user further away from the moment, and interrupts natural relationship.  E-prime might be best relegated to a third-person role, in some situations, as in mediation.

The utility of words in language is just part of the communication matrix.

Synthesizing Physics - "As above, so below"

Here's the string theorists take on it. https://phys.org/news/2018-12-gravity-mathematically-dynamics-subatomic-particles.html - is it accurate? Here's the most famous popularizer of the theory - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmwtLfxDFZY (I say "famous" because he admits to be of a 2 degree separation from mathematician Paul Erdos and 3 degrees from Kevin Bacon).

I posted E8 theorists' views last week (Week 10), check that out if you haven't already. 

Also, this article examines the ancient Chinese Heaven/Earth/Humanity relationship from an eco-spiritual perspective. (There's an oversimplified correlation of Buddhism to Heaven; Taoism to Earth; Confucianism to Humanity - please forgive).


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